Our Design Portfolio



A B2B language service provider. This website project featured custom graphics and layouts, as well as extensive collabortion to ensure client satisfaction. Over 100 pages were built on the backend, with hundreds of blog posts as well.

HiMS (Health Information Management Systems)

A B2B EHR technology provider. This project included updated branding and messaging to better resonate with their target audience. We also created a knowledge base for all their available resources.


A child company to HiMS, they wanted a separate website to feature their EHR application. So this was given a different look and feel to drive more of a technology dynamic.

Synergize Dental

A B2B dental services provider. We are currently completing our second iteration of their website. They had us design their initial website in 2018 and wanted to do a refresh with messaging and branding. This website features over 50 pages in addition to their blog.

Medallion Bank

An industrial bank, focused on working with home improvement contractors and recreation dealers, not consumers. They have a very unique audience and niche, which required us to build out a customized navigation system, as well as custom buttons and graphics.

Interpretation Services

This was a niche website commissioned by inWhatLanguage to drive more targeted traffic to a branch of their services. Recently they were acquired and this site is not longer in service.

The Point Dental

A B2C dental practice that was in need of a rebrand. They were connected to another office that was named after the city it was located in. This was negatively impacting their reputation and traffic at the new location, so they wanted to build a completely new website for it.


A B2C retail website for maternity clothing. This was built on shopify and was targeted to expecting mothers. We were able to review the analytics and heat maps to determine the best layouts to drive more sales and conversions to their merchandise.

Global Upside

A B2B website for businesses expanding to international markets. This project was over 100 pages and required custom coding to meet the client’s specifications. They were recently acquired and their old website now redirects to the merged company brand.

Social Media

Haven Dental Center


Medallion Bank