We believe the number one factor in successfully scaling a small business is the quality at which marketing strategy is developed, implemented, measured, and optimized

Slopes Marketing has a lot of great experience that is relevant to the exact services we’re proposing to AflexX. This case study is meant to outline that experience and demonstrate our capabilities and the results we’ve helped other clients achieve.

One thing we’d like to highlight is that though AflexX is an ecommerce platform that sells its products online, it is also a business to business (B2B) company that is looking to sell its products to dental practices. This is an important factor to consider when selecting a marketing agency to work with, as B2B marketing is much more complex than business to consumer (B2C) marketing.

Though Slopes Marketing is industry agnostic, the majority of our work has been in B2B marketing which makes our experience even more relevant to the services we’ve proposed. Additionally, Slopes Marketing has been working with and selling to dental practices. This makes our experience even more relevant, given that on a daily basis, we’re working with and selling to the exact same target audience AflexX is targeting. We already are engaging with hundreds of dental practices on a monthly basis, working on nurturing them and selling them our products and services.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have. Now on to our experience.

inWhatLanguage: 2016-2023

B2B Language Service Company


  • Database management
  • Database segmentation
  • Lead research
  • Marketing automation
  • Email marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Digital advertising
  • Website design
  • Content creation

Website Creation: inWhatLanguage recently launched their new website in August 2020. Slopes Marketing created this website on their behalf according to the company’s requirements. You can find their website by visiting

Created 220+ Blogs: From June 2016 to present we’ve helped inWhatLanguage create and publish over 2020 blog posts. These posts help build awareness, engagement and conversion on their website by attracting visitors and converting them to leads. You can find their blog by visiting

Lead Research & Outbound Marketing Results: We successfully implemented a lead research and outbound marketing program that resulted in more than $260,000 in tracked sales with an investment of only $15,000.

SEO Results: Grew organic traffic by 1,938% in a 25 month period as organic traffic grew from 712 sessions in July 2016 to 14,512 sessions in July 2018. This came by implementing a successful blogging and content strategy and using SEO best practices.

Overall Marketing Results: We helped increase marketing assisted (sales that originated from a marketing generated account) by 96% (nearly doubled) from 2017 to 2018.


Increase in Organic Traffic


Increase in Marketing-Assisted Sales


Positive ROI

Mechanical & Engineering Company: 2018-Present

B2B Product and eCommerce Company


  • Database management
  • Database segmentation
  • Marketing automation
  • Email marketing
  • Digital advertising
  • Content creation

Digital Advertising Results: In 2019, Slopes Marketing solely managed their digital ads, in which we generated more than 374 new leads, 60 new customers, and $253,049 in sales, which came from $60,000 in ad spend.

Overall Marketing Results: In 2019, Slopes Marketing was one of multiple stakeholders involved in helping to manage the company’s marketing, in which we helped the company generate 10,428 new leads of which 2,642 converted to new customers for a total value of $16,375,871 in revenue.

New Leads

New Customers


Generated Revenue from Marketing

Mumberry: 2016-2018

B2C Product Company and Ecommerce Site


  • Email marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Digital advertising
  • Website design
  • Content creation

Launched Survive & Thrive During Pregnancy Membership Website: Survive & Thrive During Pregnancy is a membership website owned by Mumberry, which provides helpful information for pregnant women. We helped develop the content (both on the frontend and backend), interviews, and website, which can be found at

Overall Marketing Results: We helped Mumberry generate $124,626.35 in ecommerce revenue from May 2016 through April 2018.

New Leads

New Customers


Generated Revenue from Marketing

The Dental Engine: 2019-Present

B2B Dental Practice Marketing Services Brand


  • Database management
  • Database segmentation
  • Lead research
  • Marketing automation
  • Sales process creation and management
  • Email marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Digital advertising
  • Website design
  • Content creation

BriteGrin Dental Marketing is a “DBA” (doing business as) of Slopes Marketing, which is the Dental Marketing division of our company. We market and sell to dental practices using digital marketing and sales practices. You can find BriteGrin by visiting our website at

Overall Growth Results: By implementing an outbound marketing and outbound sales program we have been able to grow our dental marketing revenue from $0 to $50,000+ in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) in slightly over a years period.

Referring Clients

We are happy to provide contact information (upon request) from the following clients:

Cody Broderick
Founder & CEO

Traci Maughan
Founder & CEO

Jamie Glass
Co-Founder & CMO